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$20 for 1.5hr lab & 3 days wearing a watch!
FYP RESEARCH RECRUITMENT Description: We want to understand how 24-hour movement behaviour (sleep, exercise, sedentary behaviour) influences the brain before and after moderate-intensity exercise. The study includes 10-minute moderate-intensity cycling, questionnaires, a 72-hour watch to track activity and neuropsychological taskings. Duration: 1 In-person visit of ~1.5 hours at NIE laboratory, 3 days of watch wearing for activity tracking, and a final 5-minute visit to return the watch and get reimbursement. Requirements: 1. 21-35 years old 2. Healthy BMI (18.5-22.9 kg/m2) 3. Free from neurological, cardiovascular, or back injury 4. Fit to do moderate intensity cycling exercise (60-70%) Reward: $20 Cash Reimbursement Participate: PM me / click on link below to indicate interest, and I will follow up with you shortly!
